Awaken an element of Yogi in your life. Let this life find its natural expression within you!
Who We Are
Yogi Re conducts various classical Isha Hatha Yoga programs like Angamardana, Surya Kriya, Surya Shakti, Jalaneti across Bangalore as well as holistic camps like Srishti for children. And we are quite happy doing our bit by helping people find their inner bliss and stillness!
Isha Hatha Yoga & Yogi Re Offerings
Srishti Children's Online Camp
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Srishti Children's Camp
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Aahar Live Online Session
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Surya Shakti
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Sunayana (Eye Care Program)
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Shanmukhi Mudra, Pranayam & Aum Chanting
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Bhuta Shuddhi & Bhakti Sadhana
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Surya Kriya
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Jalaneti & Pranayam
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Request a Class - Hatha Yoga Review Sessions Request a Class
Srishti Retreat Family Camp
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Dwijas — A 21 Day Live Online Session
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Aahar Hindi Live Online Session
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- Community or Corporate Session Request a Class
Srishti Online Camp
A holistic online camp for children and teens to re-introduce vital elements — nature, yoga, food and play!
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Srishti Children's Camp
A fun-filled holistic residential camp to re-introduce vital elements — nature, yoga, food, and play to your child's life.
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Aahar Live Online Session
Aahar is a live online session on Yogic Diet based on guidelines by Sadhguru. So far, over 1500+ people have gone through this program. Please tap the button below to attend our next session online, from the comfort of your home.
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Hatha Yoga Fest
Hatha Yoga Fest will be an opportunity for beginners and yoga adepts alike to learn and explore Classical yoga in its purest form
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Dwijas — A 21 Day Live Online Session
Dwijas is a 21 Day live online session for aspiring Yogis to explore all aspects of a Yogic lifestyle, based on the guidelines by Sadhguru.
With the goal of making every aspect of your life as a tool for your ultimate well-being, we will be exploring all aspects of life — right from how to wake up, how to take a bath, how to eat, how to drink, how to speak, what to wear, when to sleep, to how to sleep.
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Agni - Light the Fire Within!
Inspired by Sadhguru's insights, we are happy to present a series of practical yet profound experiments that you can easily implement and experience yourself the magic that is Yoga!
Agni Initiative!
Agastya - Yoga, for Everyone!
Agastya is a Yogi Re initiative to bring yoga to underprivileged sections of the society in a sustainable way. So far, we have been conducting Isha Hatha Yoga programs in 3 schools/orphanages/special kids institutes, changing 350+ young lives!
Agastya Initiative!
Donate: Just ₹600 / per year from your end could transform a kid's life!
Namaskaram from Mukul Anna!

Mukul Anna's Story
Yogi Re is an initiative started by Mukul Anna to bring at least an element of being a yogi in everyone's life. He has personally conducted 350+ workshops across India in the last 8 years, touching over 6000 lives!
All our yoga programs are designed by Sadhguru, founder of Isha Foundation.
Why Teaching Kids?

For those of you have been in touch with us for some time, you must have noticed that we plan a lot of programs for kids 😄 So why this focus on kids and coming up with more offerings for them? This is primarily because one of the biggest learning experiences and turning point in my life happened due to teaching kids! Ever since then, my eyes light up whenever I get an opportunity to spend time with kids — I consider these young ones as my mentors, who showed me how I should be.
Explore Yogi Re BlogStay Updated - Join the Yogi Re broadcast

We have a WhatsApp broadcast group and Telegram channel where you can get daily yogic updates.You can also get information on upcoming Isha & Yogi Re programs. If you would like to join the group, please tap the link below
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If you are unable to join using links above, please send us a message on
to add you.Volunteer with Yogi Re!

"No spiritual process will happen to any human being unless he becomes willingness. Thus, volunteering is a tremendous tool in creating that willingness."
- Sadhguru
If you are keen to volunteer with us, can pls fill the form using the link below and we can get in touch with you whenever there is a suitable opportunity. I'm interested
Contact us
Phone number: +91 82174 81232
#827, Koramangala 3rd Block, 4th Cross, 10th Main, Bangalore - 560034
Fill this enquiry form to know about future programs.
Call Us
Call/WhatsApp +91 82174 81232
Email: ask@yogire.com